Board of Directors Update - October 2014

The Board of Directors reports are as follows for the month of October 2014.

Please see the separate "Letter from the President" for this month's President's Report.

Vice President (Frank Bleszinski):

The Youth Firearms Safety Training continues to be well attended. In only one day after scheduling the October class it was full with 8 youths. Since our Cadre of instructors is all volunteer we have been limited to 8 youths per month. Should you try to sign up for a class and no date is listed, the class is full and a new one has not yet been scheduled. If your youth is experienced in safe firearm operation you may request a waiver from the indoor and outdoor range directors. They both will observe them and if in there opinion he/she is qualified, I will be notified and issue a Youth Badge.

Indoor Range (Al Croteau):

With the being of October. the ASC pistol teams will start their season. They have meets at our club and at other area clubs. Therefore, the indoor range will be in use on Monday evenings between 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm. If a member wishes to join and they have an opening, please contact myself at or George Wright. In any case, PLEASE CHECK THE WEB SITE FOR THE INDOOR RANGE SCHEDULE.

Trap (Tony Capone):

September has brought us some great fall weather and plenty of shooters back to the trap field.

I would like to remind everyone to bear with us on very busy days and follow the signup procedure, as this will keep things moving smoothly.

On September 20th we had a 75 bird shoot which was very well attended and was a lot of fun. Congrats goes out to Angelo for winning first place, Erik with 2nd and Phil in 3rd.

Trap shooters please remember to keep track of your scores every time you shoot so you can be put into the right class for the upcoming ASC trap championship on Oct 25th (score cards are available in scoring hut). The Trap championship will have an A and B class. Trophies and prizes will be awarded in both classes. This event will be on Saturday Oct 25th at 9am and will be a 100 bird event (50 singles and 50 doubles, see website for more details).

A special thank you goes out to Doug Hook for keeping our Trap field looking like a country club all summer. Great job Doug! If you would like to be added to the TRAP Email list please send me an email at asking to be added.

Facilities (Mike Pierce):
The following facilities projects are those completed, initiated, or proposed that are in addition to general maintenance projects. There is no assurance that those listed on the "wish list" will be progressed further as that will be largely dependant upon completion of appropriate due diligence/feasibility undertakings.

Projects Completed:

  • New filters were installed in the air make up system on March 31, 2014 for the indoor range, and the air quality is noticeably improved. The lower level of the club house has been de-leaded and all waste has been removed from club property.
  • The lower space of the club house has been deleaded and all waste has been removed from club property
  • Trap shelter modifications including wiring, insulation and new siding

Approved but not yet started:

  • Club house remodeling of walls and lighting along with ceiling tiles
  • Installing an LED sign to inform members of up and coming functions
  • Tree work on the outdoor range will begin within three weeks to remove only necessary trees

Community Relations (Paul Miller):

At the September meeting we had a very informative talk by Comm2A on the new gun laws. More info can be found here:

The 2015 Fishing Derby will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 starting at 6:00 am. Please let me know if you are available to help.

Training (Sam Washburn):

Training classes continue to be popular.

As of September 29 there are still opening in:

  • 5 Stand Class
  • Skeet Class
  • Pistol Accuracy

Our Intro Trap class and Youth Firearms safety classes are currently full through year end. However, there are occasional student cancellations which do open up a seat. So check the EventBrite registration site often if you are interested in those classes.

Also, don’t forget that if you register for a class and don’t show up, there is a $25 no-show/late cancel fee. We regret having to do this, but it is the only way to prevent wasting seats in the these popular no-fee classes.

Membership (Mark Klove):


This month there are 32 new member applicants for presentation at the October meeting. Come to the meeting this month to meet them!

The current membership stands at:

  • Active members: 1,527
  • Life members: 179
  • Pending new members: 32
  • Current members (exc. pending): 1,706
  • Total members: 1,738