Board of Directors Update - April 2017

Outdoor Range (Phil Proto)

We are designing a six(6) paddle dueling tree h using 3/8 inch AR500 steel paddles which have been ordered. The dueling tree will be installed on the new outdoor pistol range at the center of the range.

We have purchased pressure treated decking to construct/repair paper target frames and target stands. We have purchased a second set of tools and a toolbox to facilitate maintenance and repair of steel targets.  We have ordered  new cardboard sheets for the backing of the paper target frames.  We require that shooters place one target in the center of the frame so as to not destroy the frame structure. However, we are still experiencing multiple targets being used per target frame.  If you see someone doing this, please either have a kind word with them or inform the club management with the date and time.

Please check the website calendar and range closing (on home page) for Police department training as well as Club training sessions for range closings especially in the evenings.

We are recruiting members to add to the outdoor range team in order to provide maintenance, modifications or do outdoor range orientations.

Please remember that firearms should be transported from your car to the shooting stations unloaded and with the action open. Cases or shooting bags are preferable.

Please also remember that a "Clear" command MUST be issued to all members shooting on the pistol and rifle bay's BEFORE attempting to unlock the yellow gate. Be sure to stand behind the yellow line.

Ground shooting at any targets is not allowed on the outdoor range.

No silhouette targets allowed.

Indoor Range (Al Croteau)

We have upgraded the Indoor Range lavatory with a push faucet; please push lightly - do no force otherwise you will damage the seals. We sell targets and ear protection for your convenience and safety. Remember when mounting your target please use the short carrier if you are taller than average person or you are shooting less than 25'. Similarly please use the long carrier if your are shorter than the average person.  This will ensure that your aim is level and you are hitting the mid section of the back stop.  We have four pistol teams, each have placed well within the Merrimack Valley Pistol League. Should you have any suggested upgrades we welcome your input.

Archery (Robert Beals)

A new date for the 3D archery shoot which was cancelled in March due to weather will be posted on the website.  We will also be developing a schedule for an archery night as was previously established, more information will follow.  Archery training classes are also being discussed and developed for those interested in giving archery a try, and potential trainings for bow hunting are also being reviewed.

The potential future site of an indoor archery range may be located on the land behind the archery storage containers.

With the warmer weather on its way, we will be performing some  much needed trail maintenance as well as adding more targets, and developing proper signage for all three of the trails.

Trap (Tony Capone):

We got yet another snow storm and it has really slowed down the work being done on the new trap field. I'm sure once the weather cooperates the work will begin again. 

If anyone has any suggestions for a shoot please drop me an email with your idea.  I'm always looking for a new fun shoot.

We are having a spirit shoot this month on April 23rd and a Trap championship on April 22nd.

Plans are getting underway for our 2017 top shot contest in early June.  We will need lots of volunteers and RSO's to help run this club wide event. If interested please contact me.   If you want to be added to the trap email list please email me.

Security (Bill MacKenzie):

On the 27th of the month, I received a report from the Outdoor Range Director about an incident that occurred at the outdoor range on the 26th. The incident outlined three violations.  Namely Safety, round limits exceeded and conduct.  The incident was investigated and will be brought before the Board of Directors. 

A first aid kit was requested for the club's workshop which was purchased and placed in the shop.

Facilities (Mike Pierce):

Do to the unsteady weather this winter, projects have been a little slow going, but spring is upon us.  The Annual Spring Clean-up is April 29th.  We could really use your help.  We can use all trades, particularly:

Electricians and

We are hosting an Open House for the general public coming up soon after the clean-up.  We wish to make the club look as nice and presentable as possible and could use your help in doing so.  all help is greatly appreciated.  Breakfast and Lunch are provided free of charge.  There is also eight(8) $25 cash price drawings.  Please contact me for more details.

Community Relations (Steve Cooper):

Post 8 of the Andover American Legion visited the club in March in order to assist them with their Honor Guard rifles. They were very thankful for our help and greatly impressed with our club. Thanks to Cal Perry for his help with this.

The fish for the derby have been ordered and are growing. Keep the date of May 6th open for the fishing derby. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.

April 15 is the deadline for club scholarships and also for the Mass Junior Conservation Camp; we have one opening.

Speakers for the upcoming members meetings are:

    April- custom firearm finishes
     May- Relic and Collectables
    June-Veterans Northeast Outreach Center

We still have hopes for a deep sea fishing trip, when the weather warms up; we need 30-50 fishermen to charter a boat. 

Plans are moving forward for the neighborhood open house. Many thanks to Cal Perry for his help.

Training (Steve Cioffi):

March proved to be another successful month for training. We held classes in: Intro to Skeet, NRA RSO Certification, Pistol accuracy, Hunters Ed, CPR/AED Certification and Youth Firearm Safety. We had 18 members become NRA Certified RSO and 19 members become certified in CPR / AED.

April will prove to be even busier with classes in: NRA Home Firearm Safety, Adult Shotgun, Intro to skeet, Intro to trap, Pistol accuracy, Mass Gun Law (goal), Youth fire arm safety, Youth shotgun and ASC RSO meeting.

I would like to take a moment and thank all the volunteers that make training as successful as it is.  We have a tentative date of April 28 - 30 for the Cadet certificate ceremony.

Membership (Cheryl Crawford):

Greetings to Members and Prospective Members. Membership is continuing to give tours and interest in our club is strong.  We continuously hear about the great people and facilities we have which is a testament to the all members.  As we welcome our new members, feel free to reach out and give a hand.  We can always use help with the tours and are still looking for RSOs to volunteer with range orientations, etc.

As the warm weather comes, more members will start to use the outdoor ranges, so please remember – Safety First!  It also may be a great time to refresh yourself on the rules for each range and they can be found on our website.  And don’t forget about those youth badges!  Not only do they allow access to the ranges but they also come with free Sunday breakfast for your youth. Questions regarding the youth badges should be sent to Guy Klose.

Membership April 2017:

Regular members = 2,016
Life members = 187
New Members = 31 
Total Membership: 2,234