Board of Directors Update - May 2017

Vice President (Frank Blezsinki):
Mothers Day is approaching and as in the past we are honoring all Moms by offering a free breakfast to all Moms on Sunday morning May 14, 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM.

Outdoor Range (Phil Proto):

  • Spring cleanup was a success and thank you to all that helped on the outdoor rifle and pistol ranges
  • Still experiencing multiple targets being used per target frame
  • Please check website for Police department training and additional training sessions for range closings especially for night shoots (usually from 5 pm – 9 pm.
  • Recruiting to add to the outdoor team in order to provide maintenance, modifications or do outdoor range orientation.
  • Firearms should be transported from your car to the shooting stations unloaded and with the action open. Cases or shooting bags are preferable.
  • A “Clear” command MUST be issued to all members shooting on the pistol and rifle bay’s BEFORE attempting to unlock the yellow gate. Be sure to stand behind the yellow line.
  • Ground shooting at any targets is not allowed on the outdoor range.
  • Target frames are designed to hold one target centered in the frame.
  • No silhouette targets allowed.

Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
For all newer members. ASC has four pistol shooting teams they meet on Monday for meets and practice. Time is 6:30 PM (1800 hours) to 9:00 PM (2100) hours. All are welcome. The pistols that are used are 22 cal semi-automatic.

No long guns greater that 22 cal are allowed on the indoor range. BB guns are not allowed but air guns are allowed. If there are any concerns please contact myself via E-mail.

Archery (Robert Beals):
I would like to thank Mike Pierce for directing the work performed at the April work party and all the volunteer help in cleaning up the Archery practice field and surrounding grounds, this could not happen without all the volunteers.

The 3D shoot that was cancelled is now scheduled for Saturday May 27th . There will be more information coming soon and will be posted on the website. We invite members and their family to come and participate. We will not be able to provide bows or arrows, so you will need to bring your own equipment. This will be an informal event, an opportunity for everyone to get together meet other members and have a good time.

The bag and 3D targets on the Archery practice field and 3D course are set up at particular distances. Please do not move any of the targets, they are NOT to be moved or relocated.

Trap (Tony Capone):
No report.

Security (Bill MacKenzie):
On the 16th, received a report that someone was shooting cans on the outdoor range berm. No violators we're found. Please be reminded that it is against club range rules to shoot at any ground targets.

On the 29th, received a report of a safety violation via the club's web page. It was reported that a member and three guests we're using the indoor range when the member crawled under the shooting counter to retrieve paper targets, was not displaying his club I.D. badge in plain view and along with his guests, maliciously damaged target holding equipment. This incident was brought before the BOD's for possible club sanctions.

During the club clean up day I replaced signage on the perimeter of the outdoor ranges.

Facilities (Mike Pierce):
We had a very successful work-party recently and all ranges received much needed clean-up and repairs.  All capital projects are progressing nicely.  I will seek additional funds from the Board of Directors for a new garage door for the work shed as well as funds for the continued development of a second trap field.  A constant supply of wood chips is being donated to the club by Asplundh Tree service.  The wood chips will be used for ground cover and berm enhancement.

Community Relations (Steve Cooper):
No report.

Training (Steve Cioffi):
April was a busy month for training. We held classes in:

  • Adult Shotgun
  • NRA Home Safety
  • Intro to Skeet
  • Pistol Accuracy
  • Intro to 5 stand
  • Intro to Trap
  • Youth Firearm safety
  • Youth shotgun

Training hosted Jon Green from G.O.A.L. for Mass Gun Law Presentation. This class was very educational and clarified a lot of the new laws. 48 members attended this interesting presentation.

Training also hosted the years ASC RSO class. We have 25 members that currently hold their NRA RSO Certification that have volunteered this year to become an ASC RSO. We have a few more that were unable to attend the RSO meeting that will meet with me at a later time.

Coming in May, in addition to our normally held class, training will hold an alternative self defense and awareness class, Sabre pepper spray. We also look forward to May 12th at which time the ASC training staff will present the Civil Air Patrol Cadets with their medals of marksmanship and certificate of completion of the NRA Home Firearm Safety course.

Membership (Cheryl Crawford):
Membership is continuing to give tours and interest in our club is strong. Thank you to all that helped with the spring clean-up. As a volunteer club, your help is appreciated by all members as we enjoy the club facilities.