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Board of Directors Quarterly Update - December 2018
Submitted by asc-admin on December 5, 2018 - 2:25pm
Trap (Richard Bruce):
Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
The year 2018 proved productive for the Indoor Range operation. Over six thousand paper targets were sold. The money $1,353 was placed into the club’s capital improvement fund. Over 1,000 target carriers were rebuilt. The heating system fan motor and belt failed and was rebuilt and replaced. The blower motors ran well with over 3,00 hours of running time. The air handling purge valves were rebuilt.
Members have responded and are sending e-mails when a repair is needed. All and all a good year despite the increase usage of the range with our ever growing membership.
Outdoor Range (Phil Proto):
3 Gun Shoot for November had a good turnout even though the weather was a bit soggy. Thanks to all participants and Allan Arena for running the show. Winners were:
First Place: Richard Bruce
Second Place: Bill Sallie III
Third Place: Michael Keaton
- Next 3 Gun Event scheduled for the spring (April/May) timeframe.
- New pop up targets modified and installed on the outdoor rifle range (pistol side). Targets donated by Steve Cioffi.
- 3/8 “ thick angle iron has been welded to all 100 yard steel target frames to prevent excessive damage. Still experiencing large caliber holes in steel.
- Plasma cutter and compressor will be ordered in January to facilitate construction of our own steel targets.
- New roof on the shooting side of the outdoor rifle range has been completed.
- Sound deadening insulation has been installed on the outdoor rifle range
- Rebuild of both dueling trees for the pistol ranges have been completed.
- Modifications made to solve the water issues on the ODPR seem to be working.
- New GFI plug installed on the rifle range.
- Several of the large rubber mats were sectioned to provide backings for 100 yard steel targets.
Please check website for other range closings due to any ASC/Police training sessions.
Archery (Robert Beals):
I would like to thank all those that helped out during this past year; because of their help we were able to have a successful year.
Some of the projects we accomplished this year: built a foot bridge on the 3D course, a lot of trail work/maintenance performed for 3D course, regular weekly maintenance of practice range, purchased and installed a new wood stove for the archers cabin, purchased a new four wheeler and trailer, targets re-arranged in the bowl, shooting platform built in the bowl with a fire pit.
Our biggest project of the year is the construction of an indoor archery building. I would like to thank Brad Reichter and Skip Waetly for their extensive work and dedication to this project. So far the land has been excavated; concrete foundation and floor have both been poured. The next step will be the actual construction of the building; once the floor is properly cured we will plan this phase of the project.
Going forward our main focus will be the finishing of the interior of the building; this includes wiring, lighting, insulation, walls, heating options, wall and targets.
Thank you to all of those that participated in making all these projects possible.
Security (Bill MacKenzie):
During the year there were multiple safety and security issues that were dealt with:
- Members not wearing or not displaying I.D. badges.
- Leaving personal property behind when leaving the property.
- Removing brass from the indoor range for personal use.
- Shooting 50 cal. ammo on the outdoor range.
- Shooting at silhouette targets.
- Multiple incidents of shooting at ground targets on the outdoor pistol range.
- Members using two shooting ports while with a guest and not staying within arms length.
- Members shooting more than 10 rounds on both ranges.
- Archery range safety violation concerning a archer shooting from well behind the shooting line.
- Please review the club bylaws and range rules as there were recent changes made.
Community Relations (Steve Cooper):
After a fairly quiet fall we are getting ready for the Children’s Christmas Party. If you have not signed up please see the website, last year everyone had a great time. Santa will be there, Dec16 2-4 at the club.
Our scout Troop 75 represented the club at the Andover Santa parade,they entered a float and were well received.
As we close out the year I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.
Training (Steve Cioffi):
I would like to thank all the members that helped training have another successful year! Although this year held many personal challenges for those members, we once again come close to 100 classes in 20 different topics.
Training has put a lot of effort into the BEGINNER SHOOTER with our 1 on 1 pistol coaching. It has become our most successful class this year. We now have 5 coaches that hold multiple sessions per month.
Training will start next year with a very aggressive schedule including:
- Basic Pistol
- Blended learning basic pistol
- Certified RSO training
- Chief RSO training
- Intro to trap
- Youth training
- Accuracy training
- Pistol Instructor
- Shotgun Instructor
- 1 on 1 Pistol coaching
Watch the calendar and sign up quickly
Membership (Cal Perry):
Membership is healthy! Membership is the life blood of any association and we at ASC appear to be in good shape! The numbers are slowly increasing annually. Final membership figure last year was 2425 (including Life members). We will have accepted about 290 new members in 2018. We have seen more interest in “family” groups seemingly from either increased interest in archery and/or the by-law change establishing a family entrance fee (rather than an individual one). Increases in training opportunities (in general) and plans to increase youth (and perhaps archery) training should keep the pool of new applicants at a appropriate level.
I have semi-formalized a “Greeter” program whereby some members are available to the Membership Director to provide campus “walkabouts” and answer most application questions. As of January, there will be two qualified and available for that very valuable (to the Membership Director) task.
The direction of the Board to increase family, youth, and female membership might look at youth target team(s) as a idea. Are there other clubs with whom “shoulder to shoulder” or mail matches could create a competition and thereby some interest? The Scouts, Jr. ROTC, CAP and other such youth groups could well be a resource for these teams. NRA sponsored marksman ship programs, in existence, could create an entry point. It was mine many years ago!
This is my last report and I will miss the formal association with Membership activity. I have spoken with Dave (Williams), my replacement, and have offered to help in any way he sees fit. I liked the job and, reluctantly, resigned to spend more time with another personal area of interest, veterans’ service. I thank the Board and the Club officers for the opportunity to serve as a Director. I intend to spend no less time at ASC, just in a “member” capacity (and a bit in the kitchen).