2020 Club Fireworks

On behalf of all club members, many, many thanks to Brad Reichter for organizing the truly extraordinary July 3rd fireworks display and his staf of Dan and Brlake Croteau and Tim and Kathy Gallant who assisted in making the event a success.  The event made for a nice evening distraction  welcomed by all as a bit of relief from the depressing COVID-19 pressurs.


Putting on such as event was not a simple thing to do in as much as we were required to engange in discussions with local fire prevention and the state fire marshall as well as the police department, board of Health the the pyrogechnic vendor.


The actual display was unusually creative to the delight of the children  especially as they had been disapointed when learning that so many community fireworks displays had to be cancelled.


Next year we hope to have fireworks again, with a cookout, events and games.

