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Board of Directors Update - December 2013
Submitted by asc-admin on December 14, 2013 - 7:25pm
The Board of Directors reports are as follows for the month of December 2013.
Please see the separate "Letter from the President" for this month's President's Report.
Vice President (Frank Bleszinski):
December is upon us with many holiday celebrations. This year we invite all members and a spouse/guest to attend the December 12th member's meeting and feast. We have quite a menu planned and will start serving at 6:00pm. We also plan to have music and prizes prior to the 7:30pm meeting.
Outdoor Range (Tom Lumb):
Hello Outdoor Range Users! Things are looking good on the range. I have not spent a lot of time there this month, I've been quite busy at work and I spent a few days hunting. I hope other hunters had better luck than I had in New Hampshire. Maybe I can redeem myself here in Harold Parker this month. People have sent me pictures of deer on the range, and I see the prints every Saturday morning.
Let's shoot safely and all have a happy holiday season.
Trap (Tony Capone):
On Nov 17th we had our annual Turkey shoot. This event was a lot of fun and it was very well attended. We had 19 different members that won at least one prize that day and I'm sure they will all be back next year. I would like to thank Kip, Steve L. and Steve H. for all their help running this great event.
The Spirit shoot will be held on Dec 22nd. Please try to sign up ahead of time; we always have a big crowd for this shoot. See Tony, Kip or Steve to sign up on Wednesdays or Sundays at the trap range.
Archery (Bob Felsberg):
Thank you and congratulations go out to the winners of the past Tuesday night turkey shoots (Harry, Gena, Tim, Floyd, Matt, and Jonathan (children's shoot)) and to all attendees and their families. The weather was cool, and the archery woodstove was running warm. I will be setting up future schedules for 2014, however looking at the remaining schedule for 2013, the Tuesday night archery events scheduled for December 24th (Christmas Eve) and December 31st (New Years Eve) unfortunately do not make sense and will be removed from the calendar. Ideas and suggestions to make Tuesday night archery a bigger and better event are welcome, please email me at felsberg@verizon.net. Also, I would like to make changes to the 3D course and I am looking for volunteers and ideas to make this happen. Please submit to same.
Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
With the cold weather please remember to turn off the heat when leaving using the switch located on the left of the heater timer. As we move indoors, you must not bring in any food or drink into the shooting area. There is no smoking in the indoor range due to the presence of unburnt powder. Lastly, a member and their guests are to only use one shooting port.
Security (William MacKenzie):
At the direction of the President, I contacted all the police agencies that are scheduled to conduct their firearms training on the outdoor range about the safety issue concerning trap/skeet shooting on Thursday evenings. The firearms instructors were informed not to go beyond the 50-yard line during their training due to the possibility of shot penetrating the wood line beyond the 50-yard line and to conduct all their training at the 50-yard berm during the hours of 6pm-9pm.
On Sunday the 13th of the month I attended the new member orientation and familiarization session of the club's facilities.
During a visit to the range on Friday the 18th, I encountered a young man who had stapled a silhouette of a zombie to a target stand for use at the 50-yard line. I informed him that the use of silhouette targets was not allowed at ASC. At that time he stated that he understood but when asked if he was familiar with the restriction, he stated that he was not. The gentleman complied and there was no further action taken.
As a suggestion to the directors of both the indoor and outdoor ranges, I will inquire as to the temporary posting of signage on the entry ways to both ranges as to the restriction on the use of silhouette targets.
Facilities (Mike Pierce):
The following facilities projects are those completed, initiated, or proposed during 2013 that are in addition to general maintenance projects. There is no assurance that those listed on the "wish list" will be progressed further as that will be largely dependant upon completion of appropriate due diligence/feasibility undertakings.
Projects Completed:
- safety banister on stairs leading to the basement
- heavy equipment garage
- propane tank for generator
- generator and electrical
- drainage ditch for run off
- additional archery range lighting
- parking lot: curbs and white parking lines installed
Funding approved and work in progress:
- annex development
- electrical for annex room
- stainless steel backsplash for behind kitchen stove
Approved but not yet started:
- outdoor range grading
- outdoor range rifle safety modification: decision and initiation of proposed options
Wish list:
- Outdoor range 200-yard expansion
- parking lot expansion
- trap shelter modification
- rear stairs handicap chair lift
- indoor archery facility
- install safety/security fencing in selected areas
- replace quad unit (ATV)
Community Relations (Paul Miller):
Every year we sponsor two campers for Conservation Camp for the two weeks. The 2014 dates are August 3rd to August 15th. We are accepting names now, for selection in April. Please see myself at any meeting.
Training (Sam Washburn):
We have delivered more successful pistol accuracy and NRA pistol classes in November.
Training classes are continuing through December and into 2014. See the training pages and calendar for details.
Membership (Mark Klove):
This month there are 43 new member applicants for presentation at the December meeting. Come to the meeting this month to meet them!
The current membership stands at:
- Active members: 1,382
- Life members: 176
- Pending new members: 43
- Current members (exc. pending): 1,558
- Total members: 1,601
We are also in the process of mailing out the 2014 membership stickers.