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Board of Directors Update - January 2014
Submitted by asc-admin on January 5, 2014 - 2:58pm
The Board of Directors reports are as follows for the month of January 2014.
Please see the separate "Letter from the President" for this month's President's Report.
Vice President (Frank Bleszinski):
Our annual Christmas Feast was well attended at the December 12th members meeting, filling our meeting hall. Our sincere thanks to Sue Parker for her many hours of preparation and cooking as well as several members who stepped up to help without being asked. Many raffle prizes were awarded and the grand prize of a club jacket was won by Steve Lahem. This year’s donations were for the Wounded Warriors, and with an additional contribution from the club totalled $1200.00.
Outdoor Range (Tom Lumb):
The Outdoor Range had another safe year. An awful lot of lead was put down range without any safety issues! This year we had a fantastic pumpkin shoot. The shoot was well attended and the help given to run this event priceless. The clean-ups we held this year were very successful. We were able to remove a 1/2 ton of lead from the range. The range put in some new swinging targets that seem to be very popular with our shooters. Ballistic steel was installed on the roof of the pistol range. The road was cleared to the top of the berm. All of this work was done by our great volunteers. I personally need to thank all of you, in case if I don't, you all know who you are, and I say "thank you".
We have more improvements in the works for next year. Hopefully we will get more shooters involved in these projects, thus putting more shooters on the range. Hopefully some of us got new guns (Christmas) to try out on the range. Let's all get out and enjoy our shooting in the new year.
FYI: As always, please read and abide by all of our range rules. Note that the rules differ for each range, and again shoot safely.
Trap (Tony Capone):
Winter is upon us here at ASC. The snow has fallen and thanks to Skip, we have a clean trap range to shoot from.
The Spirit shoot was held on Sunday, December 22nd despite the cold, damp weather. The fire was roaring keeping us warm and dry, and the shooters were on their targets. The shoot went well, with 3 new events this year including shooting a relay from a chair at 16-yds, 20-yd doubles miss-both-and-you're-out and a 27-yd first miss with two shots. These new events were well received and just a whole lot of fun to watch and participate in. Plenty of Christmas cheer was given away to lots of happy shooters. I would like to thank Kip, Steve L and Steve H for all their help!
Although it's winter we will try our hardest to keep our regular schedule through these next few cold months. If anyone is interested, I will be collecting email addresses and will be sending out reminders of upcoming Trap/Skeet events. Also, you can always go to the ASC website for more info.
Archery (Bob Felsberg):
Happy new year to all ASC members! I will be posting Tuesday Night Archery for January and February on the ASC club calendar from 6-8pm (weather permitting), along with usual barbecue.
We will be making improvements to the 3D target range. Anyone interested in helping out please contact me at felsberg@verizon.net. We are also planning a date for any club members wishing to shoot the 3D course or to just walk along and become familiar with the trails/range layout, details to follow.
Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
I hope the holidays were good to all the indoor range shooters. With the cold weather upon us, the indoor range may be a little crowded. With this in mind please limit your use to one port. Remember to turn off the heat and blowers when you leave. If you are not used to shooting inside, one may forget that the blowers must be on when shooting. On one of my maintenance checks there was a member shooting a .22 without the blowers being activated.
Have a great 2014 with many bullseyes!
Security (William MacKenzie):
During the month I conducted two new member orientations. One was on the 15th and it was the regularly scheduled orientation but because of the weather, I scheduled a make up day on the 22nd.
On the 19th, I received an email from one of our members that a hunter was observed hunting on club property. The person was dressed in hunter orange and was carrying a shotgun. I was supplied with a description of the M.V. and a registration number but after making an inquiry through the Andover Police Department, no match could be found.
I am still seeking a person to manage the club's lock system and key control.
Facilities (Mike Pierce):
The following facilities projects are those completed, initiated, or proposed that are in addition to general maintenance projects. There is no assurance that those listed on the "wish list" will be progressed further as that will be largely dependant upon completion of appropriate due diligence/feasibility undertakings.
Projects Completed:
- safety banister on stairs leading to the basement
- heavy equipment garage
- propane tank for generator
- generator and electrical
- drainage ditch for run off
- additional archery range lighting
- parking lot: curbs and white parking lines installed
Funding approved and work in progress:
- annex development
- electrical for annex room
- stainless steel backsplash for behind kitchen stove
Approved but not yet started:
- outdoor range grading
- outdoor range rifle safety modification: decision and initiation of proposed options
Wish list:
- Outdoor range 200-yard expansion
- parking lot expansion
- trap shelter modification
- rear stairs handicap chair lift
- indoor archery facility
- install safety/security fencing in selected areas
- replace quad unit (ATV)
Community Relations (Paul Miller):
Plans for the 2014 Fishing Derby are underway, with a tentative date of Saturday, April 26th.
Every year we sponsor two campers for the two weeks of Conservation Camp. The 2014 dates are August 3rd to August 15th. We are accepting names now, for selection in April. Please see Paul Miller at any meeting.
Training (Sam Washburn):
We are planning a youth firearms safety class for sometime in February. Watch for more details in the near future.
Other training classes continue to be successful and attract many students.
Membership (Mark Klove):
This month there are 12 new member applicants for presentation at the January meeting. Come to the meeting this month to meet them!
The current membership stands at:
- Active members: 1,425
- Life members: 176
- Pending new members: 12
- Current members (exc. pending): 1,601
- Total members: 1,613