Board of Directors Update - December 2014

The Board of Directors reports are as follows for the month of December 2014.

Please see the separate "Letter from the President" for this month's President's Report.

Vice President (Frank Bleszinski):
In an attempt to meet demand, we are testing an increase in Youth Firearm Safety class size from 8 to 12 youths. The next date of December 20 is posted. Please register through the web site. Our hope is that it will eliminate some of the waiting periods members have experienced.

Also, the December member's meeting will have our year-end feast. An expanded menu, with a guest chef.

Outdoor Range (Dave Williams):
The pumpkin shoot was well attended despite the weather conditions. Everyone had a great time. Once again Alex and his crew did a good job. Thanks again to Alex. The poker shoot was held on Saturday and 10 people attended. Every one had fun and another shoot will be planned in the spring with the hopes of no snow. There is also a pin shoot in the planning stages, most likely the day of the pig roast. More details to follow.

Range closings: Don’t forget to check the calendar for closings.

Prone shooting station: The prone shooting position is open.

There is absolutely no shooting of ground targets.

Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
Members, this is the most active time of the year (December - January) for the indoor range. It is when lights are broken, cables are damage and other issues. If you by chance have an accident and damage an item, please contact me. There is no need to mention your name. By doing this the right equipment will be brought to the club to do the repair.

The ventilation system may experience a power loss due to the increase in power uses, advise Brad or I if the blowers motors fail to operate. DO NOT SHOOT IF THE BLOWERS ARE NOT OPERATING. AGAIN, BLACK POWER FIRE ARMS ARE NOT TO BE DISCHARGED ON THE INDOOR RANGE.

Our supply of targets for sale is exhausted.  If any member knows were to purchase them in bulk please send me the contact information. Have a great Holiday season.

Trap (Tony Capone):
The winter trap and skeet shooting is in full effect at ASC.

On November 23rd we had our ASC annual turkey shoot which was very well attended. Congratulations go out to all the winners. I would like to thank everyone that helped out with the event making it run so very smooth. 

December will bring us the always popular Spirit Shoot. It will be held on Sunday Dec. 21st at 9am. This event will be a lot of fun so don't miss it!

I would like to thank the guys that helped unload our shipment of clay targets last month.

If anyone is interested, there are some clay targets that got wet and can not be used in our machine but we left them out for the members to use in a hand thrower if they would like.

There will be no trap or skeet on Dec. 24th, 25th or 31st this month. Enjoy the holidays!

Archery (Bob Felsberg):
I would like to acknowledge and thank all the attendees of Tuesday Night and Saturday morning Archery for making these events enjoyable and successful for 2014. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The new 3D targets from Rhinehart are due in this Tuesday, and include the following animals and additional inserts:

  • Standing Dahl Sheep
  • Alligator
  • Large Black Bear
  • Standing Elk
  • Caribou

I will be looking for help to place these targets on the course.

Two yards of red bark mulch is scheduled for delivery on Thursday morning for application on the Archery outdoor range.

We are also putting together a proposal for the board addressing maintenance to the exterior (structural problems) of the Archery cabin (walls are leaking in some spots) and revamping the interior design of the cabin. If you have any ideas/suggestions please contact me.

 Again, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year/Holidays, we thank everyone at ASC for making 2014 a very successful Archery season.

Security (Bill MacKenzie):
During the month of November, the club has updated its security camera system with the installation of additional security cameras. This was done to enhance the coverage of areas of the property that did not have coverage such as the parking lot and the front entrance to the club house.

Facilities (Mike Pierce):
The following facilities projects are those completed initiated or proposed during 2014 that are in addition to general maintenance projects.


  • The filters were installed on the air filtration system on March 31, 2014 for the indoor range. The air quality of is much better now.
  • Trap shelter modification: all interior work has been completed on the trap shelter


  • Club house remodeling of  walls and lighting along with ceiling tiles
  • Installing an LED sign to inform members of up and coming functions
  • Tree work on outdoor range will begin within three weeks to remove only necessary trees
  • New phone poles have been installed between club house and archery
  • New stainless-steel countertop in kitchen will be installed within a week
  • Also new cabinets will be installed within a week

Has been a great year for projects at the ASC.  Look forward to many more new projects that will arise in the year 2015. 

Community Relations (Paul Miller):
Junior Conservation Camp 2015:

The Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp is a two week experience allowing youth to develop skills and confidence that will last a lifetime.

The camp is a unique outdoor experience offering a balanced program of conservation education and instruction in outdoor recreation activities. The camp's programs introduces young people to the ethical concepts and knowledge essential to a lifetime of properly enjoying our natural resources and the leisure activities that depend on their careful stewardship.

The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Junior Conservation Camp program is open to boys and girls aged 13 to 17.  Currently, it is hosted at the Chesterfield Scout Reservation on 521 acres near Scout Pond in Chesterfield, Massachusetts.

Campers need to be prepared to function in an environment which, like school, requires good behavior, teamwork and attentiveness. Much of the Camp is spent in an educational environment and students are expected to be attentive, courteous and non-disruptive.

A large portion of the instruction is "hands-on," and students will all participate in instruction that includes firearms of several types, bows, arrows, fishing and camping equipment and wildlife interaction. Students are expected to understand the seriousness of handling such equipment and interacting with wildlife.

The happiest campers are those who are interested in the outdoors and in wildlife management programs before attending the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp.

Every year we sponsor two campers for the two weeks.  The 2015 dates are August 2 – 14, 2015.

We are accepting names now for selection in April.  Please see Paul Miller at any meeting.

For more info on the camp, click here.

Training (Sam Washburn):
Most of our classes have 2015 dates on the schedule already. Others will have them soon.

We are planning two new classes for 2015:

  • Personal Protection Inside the Home
  • Refuse to be a victim - Personal protection outside the home

Dates are still to be determined. Keep an eye on the web site for additional information.

Membership (Mark Klove):
There is no membership report this month.