Board of Directors Update - October 2015

The Board of Directors reports are as follows for the month of October 2015.

Vice President (Frank Bleszinski):
With the ending of Summer our club will be conducting a number of events for members, watch the web site for information. We had our annual pig roast on September 26 attended by a full clubhouse of members with friends and family. The character of the club was again evident by the large number of people who saw what needed to be done at cleanup time and just stepped in to help.  Many thanks and a well done to all who contributed to it's success. 

Outdoor Range (Dave Williams):
I will be needing approximately 8  to 10 people for the Fall work party. Please email me in advance if possible.

The new outdoor range rules are posted. Please take a few minutes to read and understand them.

Remember to check the club calendar for dates that the range is closed for police training.

  • Fire arms should be transported from your car to the shooting stations unloaded and with the action open.
  • Ground shooting at any targets is not allowed on the outdoor range.
  • Target frames are designed to hold one target centered in the frame.
  • Always bring your gun up to the target not down to the target. This will save the roof and keep the rounds on the club property.

Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
No Report Received

Trap (Tony Capone):
On Sept 19th we had our fall Trap class. The next class will be Dec 5th, please check the website for more info.

Sept 26th was the annual pig roast and this year we also added a 50 bird trap shoot. It was one of our highest attended events with over 25 shooters. Congrats to the 3 winners and thanks to NorthShore Firearms for providing some great prizes for this event!

October is the month that we hold our annual ASC Trap championship. The date has not yet been determined so please check the website as I will finalize a date and get it posted to the calendar ASAP.

Archery (Dick Reichter):
Exterior repairs have been completed on the Archer cabin to replace all rotted areas and the cabin has been sided to match the main club house and the trap shelters.  There are also plans on painting the archery overhang so it will match as well.

The two storage containers have been painted with an anti-corrosive/rust inhibiting paint in an effort to increase their longevity.  The containers have been emptied and relocated off of the main parking lot and additional work to include the interior paint removal and sealing of the containers is also planned, as well as making any other additional and necessary repairs to guarantee they will be weather tight.

Work to the practice area will be taking place as well; the plan is to excavate the area on the left hand side which will square off the field to the shooting lanes.  We may potentially be able to have one or two lanes which could go to 60 or 70 yards.

We are also planning on doing some changes to the archery trail to include target replacement, relocation, signage and possibly the addition of more targets.

Discussions have also taken place with regards to an indoor archery range which would be located immediately to the right of the current shooting shelter; final plans have not yet been established.

There is a meeting scheduled on October 17th at 10:00 a.m. with the current Archery Director Dick Reichter to discuss operation objectives and expectations.

Security (Bill MacKenzie):
During the month of September there were no significant reports made. However, I would like to put out a friendly reminder about two range regulations.

  1. Ten round magazine restrictions.
  2. Member responsibilities while attending to guests while shooting on the ranges.

Facilities (Mike Pierce):
No Report Received

Community Relations (Paul Miller):
Junior Conservation Camp 2016:

The Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp is a two week experience allowing youth to develop skills and confidence that will last a lifetime.

The camp is a unique outdoor experience offering a balanced program of conservation education and instruction in outdoor recreation activities. The camp's programs introduces young people to the ethical concepts and knowledge essential to a lifetime of properly enjoying our natural resources and the leisure activities that depend on their careful stewardship.

The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Junior Conservation Camp program is open to boys and girls aged 13 to 17.  It has been hosted at the Chesterfield Scout Reservation in Chesterfield, Massachusetts and Moses Scout Reservation in Russell Massachusetts.

Campers need to be prepared to function in an environment which, like school, requires good behavior, teamwork and attentiveness. Much of the Camp is spent in an educational environment and students are expected to be attentive, courteous and non-disruptive.

A large portion of the instruction is "hands-on," and students will all participate in instruction that includes firearms of several types, bows, arrows, fishing and camping equipment and wildlife interaction. Students are expected to understand the seriousness of handling such equipment and interacting with wildlife.

The happiest campers are those who are interested in the outdoors and in wildlife management programs before attending the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp.

Every year we sponsor two campers for the two weeks in early August.  We are accepting names now for selection in April.  Please see Paul Miller at any meeting.

For more info on the camp, click here.

Training (Sam Washburn):
Training classes continue to be well attended. Seats still available in most upcoming classes.

Membership (Steve Harsfald):
It is that time of the year again, time to pay dues for 2016, and invoices have started to go out via email. Below is a quote from the Club by-laws.

Any member shall be deemed delinquent of nonpayment of dues as of December 31st and shall be dropped from the membership in the Club. He/she shall be reinstated on application to the Board of Directors, filed within 30 days after being dropped from membership. The dues in arrears, plus the late fee (as determined annually by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote of the membership must be paid at the time of filing the application. A member, after being dropped from membership and who fails to be reinstated as provided for, may be readmitted to membership as a new member upon payment of the regular entrance fee and current dues. Upon application to the Board of Directors, a member with special financial circumstances can be granted an extension of time by the Board of Directors, to pay the annual dues with or without any late fee.

Remember the club does not issue date stickers for your badge. If you have not paid your dues and not made arrangements with the treasurer, your key card will be deactivated, and membership suspended.

We will make every attempt to contact members that we don’t hear from, but make sure is in your contact list and Club emails do not go to your spam folder.

This is your club, most all work is volunteer. We have 2 volunteer work parties each year, spring and fall. October 10, Saturday we have our fall work party. Breakfast and lunch is provided along with some door prizes. Please offer your help to the range director or area that needs help of your choice. There is something for everyone. We are usually done after lunch.

Existing members: 1722
Life Members: 186
Pending Members: 21
Total Members: 1930