June 2019 President's Message

My fellow members;

My primary message is a repeat of that which I stated during the most recent Membership meeting and that is, on behalf of the entire Board pf Directors,  to wish all members and their families a relaxing and safe summer holiday. 

Similarly, on behalf of the Membership, I wish to thank each member of the Board of Directors for their  unceasing efforts and the amount of time  they devote, day in and day out, to making ASC the best sportsmen's club possible.  The success of their efforts is obvious in terms of facilities, education, financial management ,new member applications, etc. 

An occasional "thank you" from members to a BOD member now and then would not be unwelcome.

As you will note from the web site calendar the club's activity level will continue unabated throughout the balance of 2019 and as such I look forward to the  full and enjoyable participation by all members and their families.


Dick Reichter, President