Intro to BBQ & Smoking (Part 1: Chicken)

ASC Intro To BBQ: Part 1 (Chicken)

Richard and Guy, of the award-winning competition barbecue team Meat And Three, are offering an Intro to BBQ Class: Chicken, on Sunday July 28, starting at 10am. This is real barbecue, “low and slow”, using charcoal and wood. 

Topics will include:

  • smoker types,
  • fuel,
  • fire starting,
  • heat management
  • preparation
  • rubs
  • sauces
  • finishing and
  • maybe Scooby snacks, if time allows.

⁃ class size is very limited (10 persons); don’t take a spot if you’re not sure you can attend
⁃ there will be a wait list
⁃ be on time, this is an information-rich class!

Stay tuned for Part II, and maybe a Part III. Details to be provided at the class.



Sunday, July 28, 2024 - 10:00am to 2:00pm