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Board of Directors Quarterly Update - September 2018
Submitted by asc-admin on October 5, 2018 - 5:33pm
Trap (Richard Bruce):
We at ASC Trap have had two events recently. The first was the Merrimack Valley Invitational Trap Championship held on September 8th where the participating clubs fielded their five best, or most likely available shooters, to vi for the trophy which has been handed from club to club for the past 30 some years. The participating clubs were: Centerville, Nashoba, Methuen, Pelham, Woburn and Andover. Methuen was the victor this year, and congratulations to them.
The second event took place on September 29th in conjunction with the annual pig roast. Field #1 saw 15 shooters enjoying some 5 stand with field #2 hosting wobbles trap. The first and second place winners of each event were back on field #1 to determine the Ultimate Pig Day winner with a round of 23 yard handicaps. The Big Man of the day was a new member, Ed Pasco. Congratulations go to him for a well earned win.
We do have some trap events planned for the future, with the details going out in an email blast. Here they are: The ASC Trap Championship will be late October. This has typically been a 100 bird shoot. We will have a Turkey Shoot in November with numerous events yet to be determined, and a Spirit Shoot in December, again, events yet to be determined.
A Winter Doubles League has been proposed and the particulars are emerging. This will be a handicapped league going for about 15 weeks beginning Early November. Please come out and join in this fun league as the more the merrier. Shooting doubles regularly will improve your singles game and, as has been said many times by me, "It is twice as much fun in half the time!"
The berm on Field #2 continues it ascent to the skies with an ultimate height of approximately 199 feet above sea level.
Outdoor Range (Phil Proto):
Poker Card Shoot Results:
- Entry fee was two dollars. Winner take all
- 13 participants with some shooting multiple rounds
- 17 rounds all together
- 4 participants had royal flush in spades
- To break tie each participant shot 5 shots to get the best hand.
- Winner: Dan Hynes
Thanks to all participants and Allan Arena for running the event.
Reminder: Will be having another 3 Gun shoot for October 27’th
Both dueling trees have been repaired. New welds required to fix tube holders that plates insert.
New cardboard purchased an installed on a dozen or so target frames.
Still having issues with unauthorized targets used for ground targets.
Water issue that occasionally floods the ODPR has been addressed by installing an extra 4x4 on the top step. This should help in diverting the water away from the door. We also plan to regrade the parking area for additional drainage.
Rubber mats have been installed over metal beam on the outdoor pistol for extra safety that reduces the chance of ricochets.
Please check website for other range closings due to any ASC training sessions.
Firearms should be transported from your car to the shooting stations unloaded and with the action open. Cases or shooting bags are preferable.
A “Clear” command MUST be issued to all members shooting on the pistol and rifle bay’s BEFORE attempting to unlock the yellow gate. Be sure to stand behind the yellow line.
Ground shooting at any targets is not allowed on the outdoor range.
Target frames are designed to hold one target centered in the frame.
No silhouette targets allowed.
Archery (Robert Beals):
I would like to thank Gregg Mooney and Dave Thibault for going above and beyond on clearing out the 3-D archery main trail. There was a lot of debris and limbs that needed to be cleared and removed; the trail is now in much better shape due to their extensive efforts and now easy for all to follow.
We held an Archery work party on September 22nd; I would like to thank those archers that participated: Peter Turko and Richie Greenlaw for doing a lot of clean up and limb trimming and changing out some targets in the bowl area. I would also like to thank Jesse Hill, Marty Finn and my son Robert for their work in constructing our new shooting platform in the bowl; this is a great addition to our trails.
This new shooting platform in the bowl will allow all targets in this area to be shot, it also offers a place to sit and relax.
We will be finishing the platform with decking and a bench across the back for seating.
The new wood stove will also be installed in the upcoming weeks in anticipation of the cooler weather.
Excavation continues for the indoor archery building, this structure will be 30’ x 80’ which will allow us to shoot all year long in all weather conditions and hold training classes such as intro to archery.
We are still working on a date to hold a fall 3D shoot; we are looking forward to another successful event.
There will be another work party in October and volunteers are needed, we have more trail maintenance to be performed which takes a lot of work.
I would like to remind everyone that this is a volunteer club, improvements to our facilities is greatly impacted by those members that continually participate and contribute. I encourage all to participate as their schedules allow so we will continue to be the best club around. For those that choose not to participate, please refrain making negative remarks/comments as this does nothing for us but set us back.
Lastly, I would like to recognize the winners of our 2nd annual pig roast archery shoot: 1st Place Eric Bosco, 2nd place Gene Lawson and last but not least in 3rd place Marty Finn.
Security (Bill MacKenzie):
Please remember to double check for all your property before leaving any range.
Also, all members are reminded that ID badges must be worn on your person while on
club property and will be strictly enforced.
Community Relations (Steve Cooper):
On Sept 8th our club had a booth at Andover Day.There were over 4,000 people and 220 vendors at this event. Our booth was manned by Cal Perry, Doug Cooper, and myself. We were very well received. We had over 2 dozen people interested in membership. Our training program is one of our biggest assets.
At our October membership meeting our guest speaker will be DeeDee O’Brien, director of Ironestone Farm in Andover. The farm has an opiod program and also a PTSD program for veterans and first responders.
The November meeting we will have a presentation by our club historian, Doug Cooper.
On Dec.16 we will be having a children’s Christmas Party with Santa. As with any event, we need volunteers to make this a success.
Training (Steve Cioffi):
Congratulation to Guy Klose, Timothy Beede, Kevin Gill, Doug Hook, Mark Karas and Bill Linskey for successfully completing our first Pistol Instructors class.
Beginners pistol coaching 1 on 1 continues to be very popular and an important part of our training program. Advanced Pistol Training has completed the 5 step pistol training program.
1) LTC Pistol Safety Class
2) Beginners 1 on 1 Coaching
3) Accuracy class
4) Zero distance reactive shooting
5) Advance Pistol training
Training is working on a new rifle training program and is expected to be rolled out shortly.