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Board of Directors Quarterly Update - December 2019
Submitted by asc-admin on December 11, 2019 - 12:00pm
Trap (Richard Bruce):
I would like to begin this report by thanking the 18 volunteer trap and skeet field operators who are absolutely necessary in keeping the fields open and running week after week. These men give hours of their time to ensure that many others can enjoy the clay shooting sports here at Andover Sportsmens Club. Next time you see one of these valued assistants, please remember to tell them: “Thank You.” Here they are:
Joe LoGiudice, Ken Griffin, Adam Karas, Wayne Maggio, Scott Halliday, Mark Karas, Mark O'Keefe, Dan Hynes, Doug Burden, Steve Robichaud, |Greg Mooney, Peter Usalis, Dan Wickey, Skip Waelty, Harry lampes, Jon Belinowicz, Mickey Mutti and Jerry Rybicki.
We started the year off in the usual fashion with the Spirit Shoot in January. This was followed in February with The Valentines Clay Massacre and the Lucky Leprechaun Shoot in March. Each of these shoots had small chocolate gifts as prizes.
The entire Spring season saw us all enjoy a trap Wobbles league and the Summer months saw the 5 Stand frames come out on Sundays. In June, the Inaugural ASC Semi-Formal Shoot took place. This was a new trap game in which multiple machines launching clays in rapid succession requires the use of a semi-auto loading shotgun. Difficult, but a LOT of fun. Be sure to look for this game returning in June of 2020.
October we held the Trap Championship and this years winners were:
- 1st: Angelo Varnouvos
- 2nd Ed Pasco
- 3rd Adam Karas
Congratulations on games well played.
The Turkey Shoot in November was very successful and this year, a high score did not win a prize, but hitting a green lucky clay did. 15 turkeys, 15 grocery gift cards, and 10 trap cards were given away to the lucky, albeit skillful, winners.
Numerous projects were undertaken and completed on the trap fields. Number 1 was the completion of the shot berm on field #2. Thanks, Skip. Field two also received addition lighting for nighttime use. Thanks, Brad. A nice coating of loam was also applied to field 2 in preparation of Spring seeding. Thanks, Bill. The clay pigeon storage container was brought back to a level position and made ready for the delivery of 22 pallets of clays, which arrived 3 weeks later.
It has been my pleasure to serve this past year as the Trap/Skeet director and wish you all Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to see all of the old faces and many new ones on the fields in 2020. Break them all!
Archery (Bob Beals):
I would like to thank the following members for their continued help throughout 2019 which helped to keep and maintain our archery facilities to be the best around.
Gregg Mooney, Jessie Hill, Marty Finn, Gene Lawson, Lou Lampes, Peter Turko and my son Robert Beals. We would not be able to have such a successful department without members like these.
As another reminder, our targets whether on the practice range or on our 3-D course are not to be moved or re-located. The only exception to this is the broadhead block targets on the practice range. We will periodically move targets for change and to help prolong the life of the target, if you see that targets have been moved that does not mean anyone can do the same. Only authorized personnel have the authority to do so.
This year the primary focus has been the construction of our indoor Archery building. A tremendous amount of time and effort was spent working to get the building to where it stands today. Special thanks for this go to Brad Reichter, Skip Waetly, Jimmy Lumbard, Tim Galant and Richard Bruce.
The indoor archery building consists of 10 shooting lanes with 10 targets that can hold two paper targets each. We have put down two shooting lines, one is the standard 20 yard indoor shooting distance and the other is set at 10 yards, this line will be used when we hold classes for youths. In the event that everyone is shooting from the 20 yard line, we do have two targets on rollers that can be placed on the 10 yard line for youths to shoot at. We are waiting on the delivery of an archery shooting curtain which will be attached to the top the of target frame work up to about 10 feet, this will help catch errant arrows and help protect the rear wall.
The addition of this building will now allow year round shooting, certified training classes and shooting events, all of which will only grow our program to new heights.
We are in the midst of planning and open house for our members, the open house will also host a few different shoots, we will have a couple of different shoot classes such as one that will utilize the use of club bows and arrows, or those choosing to shoot their own bows. Scores will be counted and tallied at the end of the event and the winners will be notified.
Going forward into 2020 we will continue to finish up some loose ends on the indoor Archery building and address other areas such as heating/cooling .
Also in 2020 we are planning on changing some of the layout of the 3-D course which will be enhanced by the natural contours of the land, add change and promote new shooting challenges.
We are looking to establish scheduled certified Archery training courses so that members can reach different levels of competency and perhaps becoming instructors themselves. We are also entertaining being able to work with new bow hunters to get them started in bow hunting and increase their proficiency, success and enjoyment of the sport. Other classes specific to youths and all family members are in the plans as well.
Thanks again to all that volunteered their time this year, looking forward to what 2020 has to hold for our Archery program.
Indoor Range (Al Croteau):
The range had very few maintenance events that caused down time. The floors were repainted, and the #6 carrier cord was replaced. Again in violation of the range rules human form targets were used and quick draw was practice. With the use of ports 1 and 8 limited to 22 cal. Little damage was done to the walls’ sound proofing. Only one light tube was destroyed. Fewer plastic target holders were destroyed as compared to 2018. This was due to Steve’s increase training. Thank you Steve. The range turn over the sales of over 6000 targets to ASC. Upgrades were made to the air handling system and the heating system’s blowers. We are still having timers turned back and six had to be replaced. A automatic interior light system was installed which removed the need for on and off switches. All and all the members are considerate in keeping the area clean and neat. There is still some apparel let behind which has not been claimed.
Outdoor Range (Phil Proto):
Thanks to all members for a great year, and a big thanks to my crew for helping to keep the outdoor ranges in wonderful condition.
Results of Rifle Madness Event October 26th, 2019 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- 12 Contestants: $100 First Place $50 Second Place $25 Third Place
- 1st Place goes to Bill Sallie
- 2nd Place goes to Michael Miller
- 3rd Place goes to Patrick Halloran
Results of the Red Light - Green Light Challenge on Saturday, November 16, 2019 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- 13 Contestants: $100 First Place $50 Second Place $25 Third Place
- 1st Place goes to Eric Bosco
- 2nd Place goes to Bill Sallie
- 3rd Place goes to Jonathan Lane
Cleanup accomplishments (Thanks to all that attended)
- Replaced steel target stands at 50 and 100 yards
- Built new target frame holders for all distances
- Cleaned out container and made shelves to hang steel stock
- Cleaned all brass at ODPR
- Added second dueling tree and other targets for ODPR
- New paddles purchased for dueling trees for upcoming events and overall use
- 300 yard rifle range survey has been completed
- Plow Blades have been cut up for targets
Still having issues with multiple shooting bays being used by guests
Plans for 2020
- Multiple events planned starting in May – November that include the following
- 3-Gun Event : Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun
- Rifle Madness with several variations
- Pistol challenges using dueling trees and new fabricated targets
- Bowling Pin Shoot
- Finalize plans for the 300 yard rifle range. Details include any new construction / modifications to the existing building
- Finish putting up interior walls on the rifle range using T-111
- Purchasing additional rifle gong ½ inch thick 6,8,10 and 12 inch AR500 steel plates
- Proposal for additional smaller container used strictly for fabrication purposes
- Update current container with power and lighting
- Continue efforts to clean and organize container adding to existing shelving so that steel stock is not on the floor
- Please check website for other range closings due to any ASC training sessions.
- Firearms should be transported from your car to the shooting stations unloaded and with the action open. Cases or shooting bags are preferable.
- A “Clear” command MUST be issued to all members shooting on the pistol and rifle bay’s BEFORE attempting to unlock the yellow gate. Be sure to stand behind the yellow line.
- Ground shooting at any targets is not allowed on the outdoor range.
- Target frames are designed to hold one target centered in the frame.
- No silhouette targets allowed
Community Relations (Stephen Pasco):
2019 Proved to be a very exciting year from a community relations standpoint. It was my first year as Director of Community Relations and therefore a year filled with finding my way and establishing myself in the Club and with the community. Many wonderful and fulfilling moments occurred over the course of the year and as I look back at each event, it is with an eye for how I can further develop myself, in addition to the many activities our Club sponsors. That said, I would like to personally thank Frank Bleszinski, Steve Cooper, Doug Cooper, David Guilmette, Mike DeNunzzio and Eddy Pasco, for their assistance over the course of the year. I simply could not have gotten through the transition without them. I would also like to thank the entire Board of Directors and Officers for their guidance and direction, and above all their friendship.
Andover Sportsmen’s Club (ASC) proudly sponsors multiple scholarships each year to neighboring high school students who enjoy the outdoors and have an appreciation for conservation. This year the ASC issued scholarships to many students in the community. Scholarships Issued in 2019:
- Andover High School
- North Andover High School
- Greater Lawrence Technical School
- ASC Scholarship Program – 18 Students of ASC Members
Charitable Events:
- Herren Talks – Chris Herren was a professional basketball player (Boston Celtics/Denver Nuggets) from 1999 to 2006 following his outstanding performance at Boston College and Fresno State. Unfortunately, Chris Herren struggled with substance use for much of his career, ultimately ending his career. After completing intensive rehabilitation programs, Herren has been alcohol and drug-free since August 2008. Herren now travels the United States sharing his story through Herren Talks with the goal of making a positive difference in the lives of others.
- ASC proudly sponsored Chris Herren’s Herren Talks Presentation in February at Andover High School. Students, parents and faculty were present for Chris’ very moving story. ASC members Steve Cooper and Stephen Pasco proudly introduced Chris Herren to those in attendance.
- Ducks Unlimited (DU) are world leaders in wetland and waterfowl conservation. This year ASC contributed to, and attended, DU’s Annual Fund Raiser.
ASC Activities and Sponsorships:
- ASC held its 70th Annual Children’s Fishing Derby on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The Derby took place at Sudden Pond in Harold Parker State Forest and children between the ages of 1-15 years old participated. The Derby was open to the public. The winner of the Derby was a five-year-old boy who caught a 16” trout from the pond. He had never previously fished and pulled the large trout from the pond with a rod he borrowed from the Club. A memorable and fulfilling moment for sure.
- ASC proudly sponsored two campers this year (13-year-old girl and boy) to attend the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp (MJCC). We selected two campers earlier in the year who enjoy outdoor activities and with a desire to learn more about the environment. Our campers thoroughly enjoyed traditional summer camp activities such as swimming, fishing, boating and volleyball. Other activities include archery, rifle and shotgun familiarization, hunter education, and forestry survival. Summer camp took place at the Horace Moses Boy Scout Reservation in Russell Massachusetts from August 4th through August 16th.
- ASC proudly donates to the North East Veterans Outreach organization each year. A group of ASC Board Members visited the facility this year in an effort to maintain and strengthen our relationship and support to this worthwhile organization. ASC made a substantial donation to NE Veterans Outreach during the month of December. We look forward to continuing our support in the coming year.
- ASC are proud sponsors of the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL). Jim Wallace, Executive Director of GOAL, was our guest speaker during our September Monthly New Members Meeting. GOAL has provided a leading voice for sportsmen and women, gun owners and conservation efforts on Beacon Hill and across the state on our behalf. Jim Wallace provided fact versus fiction regarding that which is taking place and we continue to provide our the full support of our members to help make a difference.
- ASC participated in this year’s Andover Day to represent our club. Representatives from ASC were on hand for the entire event. We met many folks who were interested in learning more about our club. Several members stopped by our tent to say hello and show their support. Special thanks to Doug Cooper, our Club’s Historian, as he was able to respond to many questions from passersby.
- ASC are proud sponsors of Iron Stone Farm, Ironstone Farm is located in Andover and their Mission is to provide therapeutic, education and recreational opportunities using horses and the working farm environment to help individuals of all ages achieve optimum quality of life. 200+ Volunteers help children with special needs, veterans who experience trauma, survivors of cancer, teens at risk and elders with memory issues. ASC welcomed a very special guest, Deedee O’Brien, Executive Director at Ironstone Farm, to speak to our membership in attendance. Further, representatives from ASC attended Ironstone Farms Spirit of Giving Gala/Fundraiser in November. ASC made a substantial donation to Ironstone Farm at that time.
- ASC are proud sponsors of the Aleppo Shriners. This year, ASC participated in the Shriners Annual Feztival of Trees & Craft Show. We donating a Christmas tree with $1,000 worth of Mass Lottery Tickets on it. ASC Members sold raffle tickets to the event and we had representatives present at times to speak with folks about our organization. We also donated a second tree with $300 worth of camping equipment.
- ASC Sponsors Andover Boy Scouts Troup 75. The Boy Scouts marched in this year’s Andover Firefighters Annual Santa Parade. Steve and Doug Cooper proudly carried the ASC banner to lead the Troup through Andover Center.
- ASC Children’s Annual Christmas Party is scheduled for Sunday, December 15. Activities include cup cake decorating, letters to Santa, pinecone decorating, a snowball toss and let us not forget, Santa will be on hand giving gifts to all the children in attendance. Private First Class Ryan Pasco, US Army Infantry 10th Mountain Division, will be on hand to help deliver the toys to Santa.
As we look forward to the year ahead, we are excited about looking for ways to enhance the many activities we already support. We are excited about exploring new ways in which to expand activities in neighboring cities and towns. We are open to suggestions and strongly encourage your participation.
Training (Steve Cioffi):
I would like to that all those that volunteer and made this past year successful. Training provided 110 classes , in 24 different topics to the membership of the Andover Sportsmen's Club.
Training has proudly sponsored “ Ladies Night” at ASC and this program continues to expand. Training will continue to provide specialized training for Ladies Night.
Training has held 5 different instructor classes and has drawn candidates from as far away as Vermont and Rhode Island.
Membership (Dave Williams):
I am happy to report that in 2019 we have taken in 250 new members. The plan for 2020 will be to at least match that number.
This past month the Shriners had their annual Festival of trees. This event is a fundraiser where they raffle off decorated trees with with theme based gifts, The club sponsored 2 trees one was $1000 lottery ticket tree and a camping based tree. At the lottery tree I left applications and fliers from the club. The response was very good and if we get a 10% return on the applications and fliers. This will be a big step toward next years membership goal.
The plan for 2020 is to sponsor the Shriners again and to have a booth at the Topsfield Fair in the Sportsman’s building. We will be looking for volunteers to help out during the fair. Details to follow later in the year.
I am happy to report that we see more female members every month and a good number of families. The reason for more families may be that only one family member needs to pay the initiation fee and any spouse or child who joins before they turn 21 can wave the fee
We also see ladies night becoming one of our most popular events. just pay the annual dues.
Applications for membership and requirements can be obtained at the club website.
We typically conduct club tours on Sunday mornings between 8 and 9 AM. If for some reason you can’t do Sunday reach out to me and we can set something up.
The club currently has members from at least 20 surrounding cities and towns and we are working to connect with the people of these communities. If you can suggest an event in your city or town such as a local parade or or community gathering where we can set up a table and introduce the club and talk about what we do for the local communities let us know.
Security (Bill MacKenzie):
During the year I have dealt with mostly minor violations that were corrected with either verbal warnings or on the spot corrections. These violations were:
- Shooting at human form targets, Range rule 1.08
- Occupying more than one shooting bay with of guest, Range rule 5.13, 1.03
- Not staying within arm’s length with a guest, Range rule 5.13
- Shooting without wearing eye or ear protection, Specific rule 1.21
- Loading and shooting more than 10 rounds
- Shooting from the. 22 caliber only shooting bays on the indoor range with larger caliber ammunition
- Not wearing a club I.D while on club property, Specific range rule 1.19
- Shooting a rifle on the outdoor pistol range, Outdoor pistol range rule
However, there were incidents brought before the Board of directors that were considered to be serious safety violations and/or major rule violations that were dealt with by the board and where there were penalties levied.
- On January 3rd, there were three members brought before the BOD for violations of shooting on a closed range and un-sportsmanlike conduct towards a fellow club member. After a hearing with the BOD, penalties were levied on the members which ranged from written warnings, letters of apology to the BOD, attending a Safety Orientation, suspension of 6 months and suspension of 90 days.
- On January 30TH, a member was brought before the BOD for violations of shooting on a range without eye and ear protection, shooting at ground targets, (pressurized cans), shooting beyond the firing line, staging a video on club property involving alcohol and not living up to the objectives of the ASC by-laws. The BOD revoked the member’s membership and no longer allowed him on club property.
- On August 25th, a member was brought before the BOD for serious safety and range rule violations which consisted of shooting at human form targets, occupying more than one shooting bay, shooting from behind the firing line endangering a fellow member, shooting without exhaust and blowers on, quick draw violation, shooting without eye and ear protection, firearm pointed in unsafe direction, range alteration and the unsafe handling of a firearm. The member was suspended from the club indefinitely by BOD.