Beginner Archery Instruction for Adults and Youths

We will be offering beginner archery instruction beginning on Saturday April 12th and will run for 4 weeks.

Adults: 9:00am -10:15am
Youth: 10:30am -11:45am

Youths are generally considered ages 8-15. 

IMPORTANT: Participants must be able to draw a bow of approximately 14-20 pounds if using club equipment. 

Each session will consist of the following:

  • Range safety
  • Basic equipment explanations – Bow types, Bow and Arrow components
  • Proper handling of equipment
  • Introduction to the USA Archery steps of shooting
  • Developing the proper shooting form

For those with your own equipment please bring it.  The club will supply equipment for those who do not have their own.

The session will have a maximum of 10 participants as this is the number of lanes in the indoor range.

The session will be conducted by ASC member Jorge Kluchnik a USA Archery Level III Coach.

Please use the link below to sign up.  Participation will be on a first come, first served basis.

Please do not sign up if you will not attend all 4 weeks. These classes are in high demand and it is not fair to take up a space if you will not attend.

We have just completed a new signup portal and this is sort of a golden master test. You may run into some glitches and we would appreciate it if you can report this to (screenshots are helpful)

• If you have already used this portal to log in, use your badge number and password to sign in.
• If you have not logged in yet, click the "Forgot Password" link and use your badge number to set a password.
• If the "forgot Password" link process tells you that your badge number cannot be found, you will need to create an account. Click the "Create Account" button on the top right and create your profile.

NOTE: DO NOT do this on a phone. The layouts are not yet optimized for mobile. Do it in a normal browser.

All Outdoor Rifle & Pistol Ranges are closed for range work

Monday, March 24, 2025 - 9:00am to 9:00pm

Mass Gun Law Seminar

The Andover Sportsmen’s Club hosted Jon Green of GOAL for the Mass Gun Law Seminar on Monday, March 10th. The seminar was very educational and focused on the requirements, changes, and effects of Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024. There were over 70 members in attendance for this interesting, in-depth presentation! To show the club’s appreciation, Community Relations Director Nancy LeTourneau presented Jon with a donation to GOAL on behalf of the ASC. Many thanks to Jon Green for conducting the seminar, and to Training Director Jim McNamara for organizing the event!

ASC members attended the 56th Annual Indoor Archery Nationals Tournament

[Select Picture to Englarge]


Andover Sportsmen's Club would like to congratulate the follow members who attended the 56th Annual Indoor Nationals Tournament in February 2025. 

(left to right)

  • Bob Cochran
  • Isabel Soares
  • Ellen Soares
  • Lisa Wilkie
  • Bob Goodman
  • Sue Salley
  • Ed Salley
  • David Langenau
  • Jorge Kluchnik
  • Alex Kluchnik


Outstanding job by the members who placed in their Divisions

Sue Salley – 1st Place

Ed Salley – 1st Place

Bob Goodman – 2nd Place


If you have any interest in joining us at a future tournament or getting involved in our in-house Archery League please reach out to Jorge Kluchnik or Bob Cochran

The league is growing each year and the next Spring League will be starting the week of April 1st so be sure to signup soon.  The league is a lot of fun and it is like getting free lessons each week!  We hope to see you join us!



Bob Cochran

Ipswich River Ducks Unlimited Annual Dinner/Fundraiser

click on image to enlarge


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