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Open with Restrictions
Submitted by asc-admin on May 18, 2020 - 12:43pm
Andover Sportsmen's Club, Inc. Reopening Plan
We hope this message finds you well and your family in good health. Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety. The Board of Directors has modified the existing rules to include:
“Any member who is outdoors and who is unable or does not maintain a distance of approximately 6 feet from every other member and/or any member who is indoors shall cover their mouth and nose with a mask or cloth face covering. Moreover, the club shall not be open to the public and guests are not allowed on club property until further notice.” (Note: a Member’s Spouse, son and/or daughter under the age of 18, are not considered as Guests.)
Each range is unique and as such each Range Director has developed operating policies for member’s to follow. The new policies will be posted at each range, on the website and e-blasted to members. Club Range Safety Officer’s will routinely check for compliance. We ask that every member be cognizant of other members’ actions. The policies are intended to reduce the spread of the covid-19 virus. However, there is no guarantee that you are protected from contracting the virus while at the club and as such your use of the property is at your own risk.
Please routinely check the club website: www.Andoversportsmensclub.org for updates.
New Policies
(Subject to modification every two weeks)
Food Services have been suspended
Restrooms are cleaned and sanitized two times per week.
Sanitized wipes are available.
Social distancing.
Indoor Range – Closed
Archery Ranges
Close every other lane on practice field and Indoor Archery building
Archery Hut is closed
Provide hand sanitizer in the Indoor Archery building
Social distancing.
Outdoor Rifle & Pistol Ranges
Tape off every other bay to distance shooters (Social distancing).
Sanitized wipes or liquid disinfectant will be available.
Warming room closed
Next group of shooters must wait outside range or in vehicles.
Trap Ranges
Warming hut is closed (except for Operator use)
Sanitized wipes are available.
Social distancing.
3 squads of 5 shooters/day.
Hours: Sunday 9am till Noon, Wednesday and Thursday (Skeet) 5pm till 8pm
Please, sign up for ONE day per week only!
o Sunday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trap-tickets-105784943614
o Wednesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trap-tickets-105785348826
o Thursday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trap-tickets-105785559456
o Problems or Questions, email to: Trap@Andoversportsmensclub.org.
If you are not scheduled to shoot, please do not show up to the range as you will be asked to leave.
If you are scheduled to shoot, please be there on time since a spot is reserved for you. If there are any “no shows”, no future reservations will be taken from that person again as they are denying another member the opportunity to shoot.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 (All day)