
Club Reopened After 3/7 Storm

The downed trees and power lines blocking the club have been cleared, and the club will be open as normal on Sunday morning.

Sunday, March 11, 2018 (All day)

No Access to Club

After this past week's storm, roads to the club have been closed and the club is currently not accessible. We will update this when we know that road access has been reopened.


Special Membership Meeting

This serves as formal notice that a Special Membership Meeting is hereby called to be held on Sunday, March 18, 2018 at 9:00 AM.

According to ASC By Laws the single purpose of this meeting will be the consideration and induction of new members.

Please be further advised that immediately upon the Special Meeting being adjourned there will be an Orientation Session.

-Dick Reichter, President

Sunday, March 18, 2018 - 9:00am

March Membership Meeting Cancelled

Due to last night's storm, roads through Harold Parker have been closed and there is no access to the club. Therefore, the March membership meeting scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.

Please check back here for an update on when alternate plans for the March Member's Meeting have been made.


Club Reopened After 3/3 Storm

The downed trees and power lines blocking the club have been cleared, and the club will be open as normal on Sunday morning.

Saturday, March 3, 2018 (All day)

Adios Winners

Most times when we shoot Trap, we play an elimination game that we call “Adios”. We have recently made it customary to take a photo of the winner wearing the poncho and sombrero. The last four winners pictured are: Peter C, Kip S, Jeff D, and Steve R. We’re not really sure that they’re happy they won.



Accuracy Class Training

On Sunday, Feb 18, our ASC Training Department, headed by the Director of Training Steve Cioffi, including Jim McNamara, Guy Klose and Mike Patane, held a Pistol Accuracy class. If you have any questions regarding our training program, please feel free to reach out to Steve Cioffi at


"Treat Your Valentine" Shoot Results

The "Treat Your Valentine" shoot took place on Saturday, February 10th and our newest trap field was used for the very first time with great success. Angelo Varvounis was the big winner with the gift card to Burton’s Grill. A big thank you to our Trap Director, Cheryl Crawford and Mark “Mo” O’Keefe for running a great tournament.


February 2018 Security Update

We are still having problems with members not being familiar with the range rules which could cause a safety problem. Please stay abreast of the club rules to avoid any problems.

I noticed that there is not a first aid kit in the indoor range. I have ordered one and will install it in the range.

-Bill MacKenzie

Updates to Club By-Laws and Rules

Dear Members,

In recent weeks, two significant changes have been made to both the Club By-Laws and Rules. They are:

  1. On Feb 1, 2018, the Board of Director's voted to prohibit the use or possession on bump stock and/or trigger crank devices on club property (see Range Rules dated 02/01/18, section 6.09). The Rules of the Club can be downloaded in the members' section, or by clicking here.
  2. On February 8, 2018, after the bylaw amendment process having been strictly adhered to including proper notice, the Members voted to amend Article III, Membership, by removing the requirement for a two year restriction period before a spouse of a member or son/daughter age 18 to 21 of a member may join without payment of the entrance fee. They intend it to encourage family members to join the Club together (see Bylaws, dated 02/08/18, Article III, paragraph 3 and 3a). The By-Laws of the Club can be downloaded in the members' section, or by clicking here.

We urge all members to fully read and review the Club Rules and By-Laws to remain familiar with them.

